Street Retail Store

What are the 3 Important things to Open a Street Store?

Location, Location, Location.

Street Retail Store Start up CheckList

  1. Specialty Service Type
  2. Store Name & Licence
  3. Store Location & Size
  4. StoreFront Name Sign.
  5. Storefront Window Display, Promo Menu & Contact Info.
  6. Store Walls Product Display Rack System.
  7. Display Racks, Bodyforms and Hangers.
  8. Product Top 10 Promo Menu.
  9. Top 100 Designs Catalog.
  10. Wall mount Visual Screen.
  11. Counter, Cash Counter, Register & Samples
  12. Store Bags, Flyers & Office.
  13. Overstock Shelving / Storage.
  14. Business Tax Number Registration.
  15. Store Hours, Client Feedback Form
  16. Insurance
  17. Security Camera, Entry Lock , first aid Kit, Fire Extinguisher
  18. Hygiene , Cleaning & Maintenance Supply.
  19. WC & Change room

Specialty Service Type

The Specialty Service store is unique, it attracts clients that require or need a specific product or service that is NOT found in the normal retail based categories such as brand name stores, convenience stores or large retailers such as Walmart Department Stores or Jumbo Supermarkets for example.

For this reason, Specialty Stores generally become a point of destination for clients looking for a specific type of product or service. To best accommodate clients a Specialty Store need to be Located near a known reference point, with good visibility storefront and sign, with easy access and directions, near public transportation and offer free parking.

Store Name & Licence

Store Location & Size

Of course the location to open a street store will vary depending on the store type of products and service offered to consumers. But in this case, a Spot98 Store in a Box street location store offering consumers Spot98 Products and Services with in the concept of custom made and personalized items, it falls under the Specialty Service sector.

Store Size

The actual store size should be between 500-1000 sq ft. Rectangular shape with a fair size storefront and window with ONE entry door ONLY. Any additional space it really becomes an extra expense that will cut back profits below the operation PROFIT Forecast. Big store does not mean big profits. It works like a weight balance, the larger the retail space the more expense with rent and labor to maintain it. The idea is to find the threshold level and stay under the limit line and not go beyond.

StoreFront Name Sign

StoreFront Window Display, Menu & Contact Info

Store Walls Product Display Rack System

The Store in a Box Street Retail Wall Display System is to have an Industrial Feel to attract artistic creative clients and the corporate brand markets. The visual feel and look is based using 2 main color combinations, metallic steel and matte black finish.

The system is built mainly with Metallic tubing and square design grids and with wall mount wood 2×4 studs for vertical support. This system will run along all retail area display walls placed about 50cm from the unit structural white base color walls.

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Display Racks, Bodyforms and Hangers

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